my dog is acting strange and hiding, but I don’t know what to do about it! There are actually many reasons why your dog might be doing it and it could be due to a combination of them. Vomiting Likewise, if your dog vomits once and is otherwise acting normal and has a normal appetite, then just keep a close eye on her. The dog can get out of control, and if it has grown big, managing it will be quite a task. Your dog is aging and he isn’t acting normal. For dogs, cars can be really intimidating because of the enclosed space, to begin with. If our dog spends many hours by itself with no company, that could give rise to many medical complications. Organ disease After all, a pet dog is like a child to us. Similarly, the dog might get bored. Not only big changes stress dogs. Instead, these dogs prefer to lay somewhere dark and safe, for example, under your bed or in the closet. For instance, if the pup got separated from its mother at a very young age and was brought home in a car, it could remember the negative experience the confined space created. The most frequent reasons a dog is hiding and acting strange include: Disease; Cognitive dysfunction syndrome; Fear; Remorse; Disgust; Discomfort ; To best work out why your dog is hiding or behaving irregularly, you will need to look at the overall context of their behavior. In contrast, if the dog was abused on the street, the memory would get etched into its brain. Think about the days before your dog started acting strange and hiding. An urge to escape and find the cover is quite noticeable. See About Me Page. On the other hand, staircases can be so frightening that dogs will never try to get on that first step. Such fearful behavior might continue for a while after the storm has passed. It might take a while for the dog to get used to the caretaker, but once we get past that, the dog is sure to be happier. Also, if we take the dog to the vet in a car, then it will learn to associate the car with a trip to the doctor, which may not always be a pleasant experience.eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'happyfitdog_com-leader-2','ezslot_6',124,'0','0'])); In contrast, since pups are adaptable and learn easily if we can train them early on to love cars, they will become comfortable. It seems like the end of the world is coming, and the only logical solution for your pet is to hide. If this behavior continues over the next several hours I would be very concerned your dog is experiencing physical pain and discomfort. If the dog spends a lot of time outdoors, there is a good chance that the nails are automatically trimmed to the optimal length due to wear and tear. So trust your guts. They end up giving them to dog shelters because they cannot handle their furry friends anymore. Regardless of what the reason ends up being, we highly recommend having your dog checked by … Dogs fear claw clipping a lot because their paws are very sensitive. Some dogs might get anxious because you’ve thrown away their favorite couch or moved a piece of furniture. Answer (1 of 12): Dogs will pant and shake secondary to anxiety, pain, fear, or stress. I also have Google Ads displayed on this website for which I receive commissions. To sum it up, a little bit of patience can go a long way in helping our dogs get over their fears and lead a pleasant life! Even though your dog is acting strange and hiding it is odds on that as your dog ages they will suddenly start up unusual and annoying habits. Dogs may hide when sick, so if you see that your dog is hiding in unusual places, you should take a look and see if you can notice additional symptoms that may point to a disease. They live in groups, hunt in groups, and, Separation anxiety is more common in dogs than we think. If the dog is in the garden or a place that it is familiar with, it may not feel as uncomfortable. It is possible to erase the fears to a certain extent, but never completely. So, we have to trim the claws frequently to ensure that dogs don’t hurt themselves. Lethargy. The best way to help our dogs would be to keep them away from places that have excessive noise. One of the most common reasons why your dog is acting scared all of a sudden is a phobia. Happy Fit Dog is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon. If the behavior becomes chronic or interferes with the dog’s enjoyment of life, then behavioral conditioning or medication may help alleviate the reaction. She is hiding In corners and won't go upstairs anymore where she usually slept.? In addition, salespeople who come to our doorstep to sell products may also scare the dogs. Hi. Among all the body parts, a dog’s paws are the most sensitive and soft-skinned, so the process is a struggle both for the owner and the dog. During storms, you should provide your dog with a safe place to hide and be near him to provide emotional support. In fact, it is even more difficult if a person adopts a slightly grown-up dog that spent its puppyhood in a shelter that had no, The best way to help dogs learn how to move on a staircase is to teach them while they are still puppies. There are various types of fears stemming from different life experiences. The dog will tumble down and tremble at the thought of ascending the stairs again. Don’t you want your dog to be happy, healthy, and obedient? 6 Reasons Why Your Dog is Shaking & Acting Weird. If our dog is suffering from anxiety, we can help it to calm down by showering it with lots of love and affection. It will begin to feel threatened and actually show anxiety. Furthermore, sometimes dogs accidentally break something when they are alone at home. eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'happyfitdog_com-mobile-leaderboard-1','ezslot_10',126,'0','0'])); Also, dogs can gauge our emotions precisely and mirror them. Sometimes, dogs may also be afraid of strangers and other dogs. While it may be difficult to detect fear symptoms at first, we cannot help but notice a few situations. Then, we can customize a recovery plan. 1. As the dog grows up and learns more about different situations, the fears can show up. If your pooch gets nervous around other people, having strangers in your house might explain why your dog is acting weird and hiding. Ultimately, the dog will definitely come out feeling refreshed, having totally forgotten the troubles it had in the beginning! She may have hurt her back or sprained a muscle. Thus, even if they are not anxious now, they might be in a few years. Anxiety Previously cheerful dogs may start tucking their tail in between their legs and. However, bad behavior does not imply punishment. It’s an event which happens a couple of times a year. However, not only do we have to keep an eye on the pet, but we also need to observe the changes in their surroundings. So anything that could startle your dog badly can make your pooch fearful and likely to hide. We can use similar principles to help our pets get over their fears. Fortunately, I’m here to help you understand why your dog is acting weird. If the dog is showing reluctance in regard to getting into the car, we can try bringing a carrier along with its favorite blanket. She needs to go to a vet and get some medication. To avoid stressing your dog, you should always introduce changes slowly whenever possible. Moreover, some dogs might act strange and hide all of a sudden because they are sensing an approaching storm. eval(ez_write_tag([[336,280],'happyfitdog_com-large-leaderboard-2','ezslot_19',117,'0','0'])); Generally, a puppy takes about 2 to 4 months to adapt to its new surroundings. So, what I’m giving you are directions to help you narrow down what the problem is. For all these reasons, people prefer adopting puppies since it is easier both on them and the dog.eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'happyfitdog_com-leader-1','ezslot_2',118,'0','0'])); One of the most common triggers for flashes of anxiety in dogs is fear. If your dog is hiding and showing any additional signs of pain or discomfort, they may be ill and require medical intervention. In addition, if the dogs become victims of phobias and do not seem to get over them, owners resort to letting them go. The dog can get out of control, and if it has grown big, managing it will be quite a task. It is possible to erase the fears to a certain extent, but never completely. Hopefully, you don’t have any toxic plants in reach of your dog’s mouth, but if your dog is suddenly acting strange, you’ll want to check those plants for signs your dog snacked on one. Then, we can customize a recovery plan. They don’t like the sound of thunders or the bright flashes of lightning, so they pace, pant, whine, or hide during a thunderstorm. All problems have a solution. Genetically, a dog may be more vulnerable to anxiety. If they get hurt in the process, it could explain your dog’s weird behavior. Dogs feel fear and anxiety just like humans. Punishing our pooch for bad behavior may have a negative impact on its trust and loyalty. Just like humans, dogs need space when they’re sad, worried, or anxious. My dog tink has always gotten along with all family members in the household. Such. Thus, even if they are not anxious now, they might be in a few years.eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'happyfitdog_com-narrow-sky-1','ezslot_16',122,'0','0'])); Another point to note is that if we are anxious about the thunderstorm, it is more likely that our dog will reflect our feelings. Dogs are sensitive to loud noises and bright, flashing lights. For instance, they begin to show a sudden onset of anxiety, or suddenly become more aggressive than ever before. Some dogs even lose bladder control and begin to urinate frequently, especially females. Usually, dogs that are sensitive to thunderstorms and other loud noises are also frightened by fireworks. This is especially true if it comes from a shelter. But nowadays, very few dogs get that much exercise. Others are suspicious and alert by nature. Dogs that have been in shelters for a large part of their puppyhood will not have the same luxury, but with patience and love, they too will learn. We have to train them every day and shower them with praises irrespective of the progress. Understanding why your pet keeps hidingis important as it will help you decide whether or not a vet’s attention is required as well as take respective measures to stop the behavior. The earlier we identify them, the quicker we’ll find out the reasons behind such behavior.eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'happyfitdog_com-leader-4','ezslot_9',120,'0','0'])); Dogs are originally packed animals. When we leave our house in the morning, we know at what time we’ll be back. These are signs of pain. She acts like she is scared, she shakes and hides in our laundry closet. Sick dogs are often lethargic. Or make sure that your dog doesn’t get exposed to them. However, bad behavior does not imply punishment. If we notice that our puppy is really scared because of the thunder, we could hold their paws, pet them, and cuddle them. Can I ask you to take a minute of your time and follow this link to have an absolutely FREE look at my download? For dogs, cars can be really intimidating because of the enclosed space, to begin with. Angry voices, tensions in the house, a particular smell, or a hand gesture might scare an abused dog easily. If our puppy has climbed a flight of stairs and we reward it with some treats, it is positive reinforcement. Dogs feel fear and anxiety just like humans. Also, those with sharp ears may even stop paying attention and just focus on staying away from people. But for other stronger ones, it is a warning sign. If the dog has a predisposition to fear of noises, playing loud noises might actually worsen its condition and phobia. If your dog is hiding and showing any additional signs of pain or discomfort, they may be ill and require medical intervention. Genetically, a dog may be more vulnerable to anxiety. But that does not mean we can skip giving our dog a nice, clean shower. Why Is My Dog Drooling and Acting Strange? After your dog comes home from the grooming station, especially after a huge change, he may begin to feel weird. The flashes of light accompanied by the sounds of bursting crackers are not a … It probably looks like we are making those arrangements because we are not planning to come back. They live in groups, hunt in groups, and eat in groups in the wild. Reassuring the pup that we are there for support goes a long way in building a relationship of trust. The flashes of light accompanied by the sounds of bursting crackers are not a regular occurrence in a dog’s life. My dog is acting strange and hiding — how can I help? But fear not. The trembling can become more frequent, along with. eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'happyfitdog_com-large-mobile-banner-1','ezslot_1',121,'0','0'])); It is common knowledge that dogs are more sensitive to noises and can hear frequencies that we humans cannot. Also, since dogs use all four limbs to move around, even a small mistake while descending a staircase can throw it off balance. Also, dogs are sensitive to certain smells, and the vet’s office usually has all sorts of smells. If we notice that our pet is not greeting us in the usual manner, or is refusing to come out for a walk, we need to stay alert. eating grass, digging in your yard, and so on.eval(ez_write_tag([[580,400],'happyfitdog_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_11',113,'0','0'])); That is why the download is there for you and your dog forever. She … So, if our dog is in the presence of other dogs suffering from more severe conditions, it will get anxious. This may be in their sleep, when they are excited with affection or when they see a delicious bowl of food. Apart from baths, clipping a dog’s claws is a very difficult task. panting, hiding, restlessness, are all signs of pain. However, as dog owners, it is up to us to stay vigilant and identify such symptoms early on. Such dogs are generally submissive and show signs of fear by tucking their tail between their legs. Also, the older the dog, the more difficulties it faces in adapting to a new environment. You will notice that your dog sleeps more and is less active, as the dog’s body requires rest to heal. He is an indoor dog 100%, outside to potty only. Hiding Behavior. In addition to this, dogs sometimes hide whenever they get reminded of a traumatic experience or an abusive situation from their past. In addition, sometimes, symptoms of early-stage anxiety can be mistaken for symptoms of old age conditions like. The next time the dog sees the car and has to take a ride, it will definitely feel more comfortable.eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'happyfitdog_com-leader-3','ezslot_8',125,'0','0'])); Nobody likes visiting a hospital, especially children. Common reasons may be: Abuse; Illness or injury; Noise anxiety Therefore, being left alone can be really scary for them. Just like us, dogs too find it hard to instantly adapt to a change in their environment. This is also dangerous because the dog might run straight out of the house, and we all know that running onto the road like that can even be fatal sometimes. I have a 1 year old Shih Tzu, and the other day I decided to shave him because is hair was getting too long and matting from going outside in our wet weather. Like humans, when a dog feels stressed, it resorts to the fight-or-flight response. Another way to help dogs get into cars without fear is by giving them an incentive — a treat or a snack. Though dogs cannot directly communicate what they are feeling, we pet parents can definitely sense their emotions. Another reason why your dog is acting strange and hiding are fireworks. She is normally by my side 24/7, and now she doesn't want to be near me. However, understanding the symptoms the dog is displaying and trying to find the causes are important steps. But, think from their perspective. Don’t you want to be a proud and content owner? When the dog exhibits starkly contrasting behavior, it catches our attention. When the dog exhibits starkly contrasting behavior, it catches our attention. This is especially common around loud construction noises, sirens or fireworks. As such, fireworks tend to scare dogs senseless, especially if it’s your dog’s first exposure to illuminations. Not all dogs are people friendly. As always, I’ve done my best to figure out the reasons behind strange behavior in dogs. You aren’t sure whether he’s just getting old and cranky or if something’s really wrong. However, in a few cases, thunder might cause just a little tension, which stops when it’s over. He is a 3 yr old pug who is naturally very energetic, loves everyone, and always happy. If you can’t get your dog to cooperate with the thermometer, you can look for other signs of fever, including lethargy, shivering, depression, vomiting or coughing, and a runny nose. As pet owners, we sometimes notice odd behaviors in our pets. For example, my aunt got a dog when it was about a. eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'happyfitdog_com-portrait-2','ezslot_26',119,'0','0'])); Firstly, a dog’s posture speaks a lot about its mood. But you have to understand that change in behavior and hiding have many probable causes. Then you might invite your friends again and allow Rover to get used to them. Keeping this in mind, we can train our pups to adapt to their new surroundings — cars, a large home, muddy gardens, etc. However, while they are adorable, only the dog’s owner knows how stressful this is for a puppy. We can keep a small treat or snack on the first step. Psychologically, the dog gets affected since it is anxious and scared all day. For example, my aunt got a dog when it was about a year old. Have you noticed that your dog is acting strange and hiding? Psychologically, the dog gets affected since it is anxious and scared all day. 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