They are used in soups under the Arabic name "Molukhyia." A 2015 study at the University of Ilorin also showed that ewedu juice reduced stomach acid in male albino rats with gastric ulcer. Read – Chanchu – Jute: Corchorus fascicularis Uses, Dose, Research. Five different concentrations- 0.1M, 0.2M, 0.3M, 0.4M, and 0.5M of Potassium Iodide and Potassium Iodate solutions were used to inoculate the soils on which the following edible African plants were planted: Murraya koenigii; Ocimum gratissimum; Cucurbita pepo; Solanum nigrum; Amaranthus hybridus, Abelmoschus esclentus, Corchorous olitoruis, Solanum lycopersicum, Zingiber officinale, Telfairia occidentalis, Talinium triangulare, Solanum melongena. Many studies have shown that C. olitorius contains several antioxidants and exhibits anti-inflammatory and anti-proliferative activities in various in vitro and in vivo settings.. The seed also contains corchorine, a glycoside of the strophanthidine group and quercetine, a flavonoid. Mahbubul Islam / International Journal of Enhanced Research in Science Technology & Engineering, Vol. In addition to fiber, Corchorus (jute) leaf is also rich in secondary metabolites and is used in folk medicine in jute-producing communities. 5.4 Corchorus olitorius (Malvaceae) C. olitorius commonly known as Nalta jute or Jew’s mallow, is a culinary and medicinal herb, widely used as a vegetable in several countries in Asia and Africa. Soladoye et al. Jute leaves grow in tropical and sub-tropical regions from Asia to Africa and are … Data were collected using semi-structured questionnaire, guided field walks, and market surveys. Corchorus olitorius and C aestuans have a good quality fibre obtained from the bark; it is used for making strings. The jute is having very high prospective as it can serve in multiple innovative directions such as energy mitigation in rural world, bioenergy, geotextile, agro textile, medical utensils, pharma applications, and many more, but it is very important for designer and researcher to focus on the multiple directional and innovative applications by jute. Several research studies have shown that copper helps to reduce the levels of ‘bad’ cholesterol (LDL cholesterol) and helps to increase beneficial cholesterol (HDL cholesterol). En effet, pendant la vie foetale, le développement du système immunitaire s'effectue dans un environnement stérile. Corchorus trilocularis is an annual plant growing 10 - 150cm tall. Unfortunately, the crop fruit has been facing increasing biotic, abiotic and technical constraints in Benin Republic. The cold infusion is said to restore appetite and strength. google_ad_client = "ca-pub-5689805440782123"; Its leaves have been reported to be used for the treatment of pain, gonorrhoea, chronic cystitis and tumors [6]. The immature fruits are dried and ground into powder for the preparation of a slimy sauce. Conclussion: Medicinal plants used in this area form a rich source of indigenous knowledge which can function for therapeutic purposes. Phytomedicine and Clinical Therapeutics. English Name – Jute mallow, Nalta Jute, Jew’s Mallow, Tossa jute, Bush okra Hindi Name – Pattua, Patva, Patuve ka shaaka, Koshta, Pat saag, Mita pat, pat shak Bengali Name – Meeta paat, Lalitha paat, Bhungipat Marathi Name – Mote chonche, Banpat Gujarati Name – Moti Chooncha Tamil Name – Punaku, Peratti Telugu Name – Parinta Oriya – Kaunria Spanish Name – yute, yute de fruto alargado French Name – corète potagère, corette, jute Arabic Name – al-juta Chinese Name – huang ma Portugu… The phytochemistry and antimicrobial potential of Corchorus olitorius leaf extracts on four bacterial isolates was investigated using both agar diffusion and tube dilution methods. A cold infusion is said to restore the … These investigations have led to the understanding that C. olitorius is cultivated in all localities of Benin by both women (53.40%) and men (46.60%). This situation may turn into a nightmare if no actions are undertaken to mitigate those constraints. Latin name: Corchorus olitorius Family: Tiliaceae (Linden Family) Medicinal use of Jew's Mallow: The leaves are demulcent, diuretic, febrifuge and tonic. Various parts of the plant are used: leaves, roots, leafy stems and seeds, to prepare several drug recipes. They can be eaten in salads, used as a vegetable or potherb or used for vegetable bouillon; it is used as an anti-inflammatory and as a treatment for pneumonia in India. Young leaves and shoots are used in salads or cooked as vegetable. performed the statistical analysis, wrote the protocol and wrote the first draft of the manuscript. It helps eliminate the likelihood of various forms of cancer like colon cancer, cervical cancer and lung cancer. Salt Iodisation has been the common approach to solving these problems. 14 localities where the study was conducted. All subjects were randomly allocated into the MDF group (4 men and 7 women; 45.1 ± 11.4 years) or the placebo group (3 men and 8 women; 41.6 ± 9.5 years) by using a computerized random number generator. Saluyot | Corchorus olitorius Herbal Medicine Saluyot uses, health benefits, side effects, warnings. The preparation methods of this herbal recipe includes infusion (7) which is mostly used method, grinding (6) followed closely and then decoction (2) while (6) others are applied directly. They are used in the treatment of chronic cystitis, gonorrhoea and dysuria. Background: Mulukhiya (Corchorus olitorius) richly contains dietary fiber and is suggested to improve bowel movement.Objective: This study aimed to investigate the effects of mulukhiya-derived dietary fiber (MDF) on the intestinal environment in healthy Japanese adult subjects.Methods: This randomized, double-blinded, placebo-controlled study enrolled 22 healthy Japanese adult subjects who typically defecate three to five times per week and do not consume enough dietary fiber. those obtained by Ta Bi et al. It has been demonstrated that anti-nutrient levels in the leaves are low, while zinc bioavailability is high. Associated with Jute mallow (Corchorus olitorius), citrus cultivars are thought to treat malaria and typhoid fever (Adebo et al., 2018). Ewedu leaves can be used to make face masks. Pappea capensis and Momordica foetida Schumach. Even though the jute is having primitive electrical, mechanical, chemical, and aesthetic appearing qualities, but it is facing stiff design challenges. The results of the Folin Ciocalteau method analysis demonstrated that these leafy vegetables had antioxidant potential, which may be attributed to their phenolic composition. Dendrogram showing correlations between parts of the plant used as a drug and the, (1)=Adja; (2)=Aïzô; (3)=Mahi; (4)=Dendi; (5)=Mina; (6)=Root, (1)=Adja; (2)=Aïzô; (3)=Mahi; (4)=Dendi; (5)=Mina; (6)=Root; (7), close to the results of Lougbegnon et al. In an epidemiological study, dietary fiber intake negatively correlated with stool frequency and constipation prevalence [11]. It is rich in potassium, vitamin B6, iron, vitamin A, vitamin C, protein, fat, carbohydrate, fiber, ash, calcium, potassium, iron, sodium, phosphorus, beta-carotene, thiamine, riboflavin, niacin and ascorbic acid. Jute" is the name of the plant or fiber used to make burlap, hessian or gunny cloth. Superfoodly July 3, 2018. Multiple Correspondence Analysis (MCA) followed by Ascending Hierarchical Classification (AHC) revealed that the organs of the plant that are used as medicine vary from one ethnic group to another and that it is the aerial organs of the plant that are most often exploited as a drug. The proper use of jute can provide a big support to rural world for being self‐sustainable. Conclusion: This study provides a database for further studies on the in vitro and in vivo efficacy of Benin plant species on Salmonella spp. The fruit are rigged capsules. ), but less intense in its action. The biomass yields in 2000 were 7.27 t.ha -1 (1 EP), 5.89 t.ha -1 (3/4 EP) and 3.66 t.ha -1 (1/2 EP) respectively. European. Yield and water use efficiency of Corchorus olitorius was investigated under field conditions using three irrigation water management strategies replicated three times in a typical sandy loamy soil at the teaching and research farm of the Federal University of Technology, Akure, Nigeria. Controls were also planted. The order of activity in the β-carotene assay was Corchorous olitorius>Bidens pilosa>Galinsoga parviflora>Amaranthus hybridus>Cleome gynandra. Tél : (+229) 95281461 Mots clés : Plantes médicinales commercialisées, soin de santé infantile, recettes, sud du Bénin 1 RESUME La présente étude ethnobotanique a permis de connaître les ressources végétales utilisées dans les soins de santé des enfants de 0 à 12 ans et vendues sur les marchés. Results: The results revealed a low level of use of medicinal plants among breeders who prefer antibiotics such as oxytetracycline (53.55%), tylosine + sulfadimerazine (15.30%), and alphaceryl (19.13%). throughout the country generally for its leaves. Aim: This study aimed to report medicinal plants that are likely to be used in the control of salmonellosis. The leaves are used as a vegetable in Indonesia, the Philippines and Vietnam. These two species of Corchorus are known as ewedu in Yoruba and they belong in the family Malvaceae. Moreover, this study could offer an important value for bibliographic researches in the fields of phytochemistry, pharmacology and a seat base for future generations. Protects eye health. These problems can be eliminated if the commonly produced and consumed plants are fortified with Iodine. Higher biomass yield and WUE of C. olitorius can be achieved when the crop is grown at full irrigation (1 EP). Data were collected about social and phytomedicinal uses of jute. This species has many varieties apparently because it is cultivated. Frequent consumers of such plants were interviewed and specimens of the plants, 32 species in all, were collected and identified. The experiment was performed during the dry season of 1999 and early rainy season of 2000. The plant is native to tropical and subtropical regions throughout the world. The leaves are widely eaten as a vegetable. ... is an indigenous leafy vegetable which leaves are very rich in amino acid and essential minerals and they form part of the meals of people of Asia, Middle East and parts of Africa, Conduire une analyse de l’interaction génotype environnement afin d’évaluer son importance dans le choix des techniques d’amélioration variétale du C. olitorius, Développement de Stratégies de Sélection Végétale / Development of Plant Breeding Strategies (0.73) had the highest RFC. L'enfance est une période de la vie où les défenses immunitaires se constituent progressivement. Packed with fibre for your digestive system. These different values are indicated in Fig. sex, education level, place of residence. Indeed, the effect of Tahiti acid lime and Sour orange on the causal agent of malaria (Plasmodium falciparum) has been clinically proved (Addae-Kyereme et al., 2001;Weenen et al., 1990). Objective: The study was aimed at surveying the Ethnobotanical plants used traditionaly to cure skin diseases in Keffi Local Government Area of Nasarawa State, Nigeria. Access scientific knowledge from anywhere. pharmacological effects of Corchorus capsularis Keywords: pharmacology, constituents, pharmacognosy, Corchorus capsularis I. Furthermore, no safety concerns were noted.Conclusions: The consumption of MDF-containing food for 2 weeks resulted in the increase of stool frequency, stool volume, useful enteric bacteria, and organic acids in feces in healthy Japanese adult subjects.Clinical trial registration number: UMIN-CTR: UMIN000035613.Keywords: Mulukhiya, enterobacterial flora, dietary fiber, stool frequency, organic acid levels. Jute plant consists of 2.73 mg of iron which is 34.13 per cent of the daily recommended value. The jute industries are biased to produce mostly the traditional products and less attention towards the innovative applications, so there is revamp required in design culture of jute technologies. According to a 2019 study in the Journal of Ethnopharmacology by Daniel Orieke et al. of C. olitorius can be achieved when the crop is grown at full irrigation (1 EP) Key words: Irrigation, biomass yield, pan evaporation, water use efficiency (WUE), jute mallow. International Journal of Enhanced Research in Science Technology & Engineering, ISSN: 2319-7463 Vol. children. Here are some of the most notable species and their medicinal uses: Jew’s mallow (C. olitorius) Jew’s mallow is a short-lived perennial plant that can be found in Africa and Asia. The result also reveals that Keffi residents view herbal treatments as more effective and cheaper compared to the orthodox medicine., Available: Top herbal plant saluyot (Corchorus Olitorius) or well-known as nalta jute that is rich in vitamins. Aqueous extracts of the seeds were reported to possess peripheral, anti-inflammatory and anti-pyretic activities. Traditional treatment of human and animal salmonelloses in Southern Benin: Knowledge of farmers and traditherapists, Antimalarial medicinal plants used by Gumuz people of Mandura Woreda, Benishangul-Gumuz Regional State, Ethiopia, Yield and water use efficiency of jute mallow Corchorus olitorius under varying soil water management strategies, Phytochemical composition and antimicrobial effects of Corchorous olitorius leaf extracts on four bacterial isolates, An assessment of the phenolic content, composition and antioxidant capacity of Bidens pilosa, Cleome gynandra, Corchorus olitorius, Galinsoga parviflora and Amaranthus hybridus, A survey of wild, green, leafy vegetables and their potential in combating micronutrient deficiencies in rural populations, In-Vitro Assessment of Antioxidant and Antimicrobial Activities of Methanol Extracts of Six Wound Healing Medicinal Plants, Étude floristique et ethnobotanique de la flore médicinale du Haut Atlas oriental (Haute Moulouya), Interaction génotype environnement du Corchorus olitorius au Bénin, Analyse de la Diversité Variétale des Espèces Végétales et des Interactions Génotype x Environnement / Analysis of Varietal Diversity of Plant Species and Genotype x Environment Interaction, Dynamique évolutive et gestion de la diversité génétique du sorgho cultivé (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench) au Bénin : Evaluation agromorphologique, génétique et conservation des variétés locales. Antibacterial activities have also been reported from methanol extracts of the seeds. From traditional therapists, 57 plant species of 32 families were identified as typhoid fever cures; among which Leguminosae, Asteraceae, and Euphorbiaceae were predominant. Plant species were photographed and identified at the Department of Biology, Nasarawa State University, Keffi Nigeria. Amino acids in the seed include valine, lysine, serine, aspartic acid, threonine and phenylalanine. Together with C. capsularis it is the primary source of jute fiber. Aqueous and methanolic extracts were tested against Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Salmonella typhi and Staphylococcus aureus. The traditional knowledge among informants varies with age (p < 0.05). Materials and Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted in Southern Benin. Known Hazards None known Botanical References The leaves are appetiser, carminative, demulcent, laxative, stimulant and stomachic. C olitorius is used as a traditional medicine among various communities for the treatment of malaria, typhoid fever, female fertility, heart failure, ulcers, cold and tumours. google_ad_slot = "5984819487"; A 2016 report in Pharmaceutical and Chemical Journal of Department of pharmacology, college of Medicine Thiqar University Nasiriyah Iraq, revealed the presence of phenolic compounds, flavonoids, glycosides, carbohydrates, proteins, amino acids, fatty acids, saponins, phytosterols, triterpenoids, cardiac glycosides and tannins in the leaf extracts of Corchorusaestuans. The leaves are reported to have demulcent, deobstruent, diuretic, lactagogue, purgative, and tonic activities. By consuming snakeroot, the secretion of toxins in the bloodstream can be removed. Source of Antioxidant. In the β-carotene assay Corchorous olitorius had the highest capacity and Cleome gynandra had the lowest. A decoction of the roots and unripe fruits is used in the treatment of dysentery. Jute plant consists of 0.222 mg/gmof copper which is 24.67 per cent of the daily recommended value. Jute plant consists of considerable amount of Vitamin K which is helpful in blood clotting. Root (46.3%), decoction (57.6%) and oral (97.8%) was the main plant part, method of preparation and administration route, respectively. The study of medicinal plants showed a floristic richness of 115 medicinal species divided into 45 families and 99 genera with a predominance of the following families: Lamiaceae (20), Asteraceae (11), Apiaceae (8), Fabaceae (7) Rosacea (5), and Poaceae (5). A cross-sectional study was conducted in six Kebeles of Mandura Woreda between March and August 2013 and 184 informants were selected using purposive sampling. The leaves are shiny and have leaf stalks. had the highest fidelity levels. It has been reported that jute halts progression of and helps manage different chronic diseases like tumors, obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular diseases. Saluyot is widely found in tropical and subtropical areas from Asia to Africa valued as food and for its strong fiber. INTRODUCTION Jute mallow (Corchorus olitorius) is noted for its important contribution to diet by supplying nutrients and rendering food more palatable (Grubben, 1997). Regular consumption of Jute plant helps slow the start of certain eye diseases, including age-related macular degeneration. species by the population based on score; Table 1. ... 5 Longan Fruit Health Benefits and 2 Big Drawbacks. This step helped to collect plants that are used in the treatment of animal salmonellosis and typhoid fever in human. The wood is very light and s… [28] and Ta Bi et al. The dried young leaves are diuretic, demulcent, tonic and slightly febrifuge; It is known for boosting immunity and nourishing the body. It was conducted using individual interviews with 57 medicinal plants sellers operating in 23 markets in southern Benin. The results suggest that poor diet and, to a lesser extent, infection lead to reduced serum-complement levels in untreated P.C.M. 2 INTRODUCTION Les maladies infantiles sont des maladies qui surviennent majoritairement chez les enfants et qui peuvent toutefois être contractées à l'âge adulte. Saluyot (Corchorus olitorius) is an edible leafy vegetable that is a member of the genus Corchorus, classified under the subfamily Grewioideae of the family Malvaceae. The leaves and young fruits are used as a vegetable, the dried leaves are used for tea and as a soup thickener, and the seeds are edible. Biochemistry, Medicinal and Food values of Jute (Corchorus capsularis L. and C. olitorius L.) leaf: A Review / Md. The result shows that plants leaves are the most commonly used part (35), followed by seeds and sap (3), then stem bark has (2) and oil (1). All rights reserved. Jew’s Mallow or Corchorus olitorius is a tropical, annual herb that is upright, branching, and slightly woody. These inventoried 272 plant species are components of 334 recipes used to treat 24 diseases and symptoms of childhood illnesses where malaria (15.80%) is the most important. Corchorus olitorius is a herbaceous plant with few branches. In this study, 38 species belonging to 33 genera and 28 families were documented. Jute (Corchorus olitorius L.) is an indigenous leafy vegetable which leaves are very rich in amino acid and essential minerals and they form part of the meals of people of Asia, Middle East and parts of Africa. The overall result may be very significant, when it is considered that Iodine is a micronutrient, with a daily intake requirement of 100-150μg/kg. Au total, 272 espèces réparties en 228 genres et 79 familles ont été recensées. The main stem is usually erect and multi-branched, though the plant sometimes has a more decumbent habit[ 299 Localisation of different survey area, Fig. A total of 272 species distributed in 228 genera and 79 families were identified. Flore analytique du Bénin. . The stem is the main source of jute used in sack cloth, paper etc. It can be seen that there is hope in achieving this kind of biofortification. It is. It has been grown for food since 6000 B.C. Amélioration de la Productivité des Espèces Végétales Cultivées / Improvement of Productivity of Cultiv, The serum levels of complement proteins Clq, Cls, C3, C4, C5, C6, C8, and C9 and of C3 proactivator in twenty children with protein-calorie malnutrition (P.C.M.) active ingredients of the species used [34]. When I was young, ewedu was cooked for whoever had measles to drink to aid bowel movement. Each subject was administered with assigned 30 tablets (active [77-mg dietary fiber] or placebo) daily for two weeks. As for organic acids in feces, n-butyric acid was significantly higher in the MDF group than in the placebo group at 2 weeks after the start of the test-food consumption (P = 0.037). All figure content in this area was uploaded by Adebo Habib Olufemi, All content in this area was uploaded by Adebo Habib Olufemi on Nov 16, 2018. This paper provides an overview of the past and current research and knowledge linked to citrus production in the Benin Republic in order to point out gaps that should be filling-up for its sustainable production. the country is 10 008 749 inhabitants [20]. Very terse details of medicinal uses of plants with a wide range of references and details of research into the plants chemistry. Jute, which is scientifically called Corchorus olitorius, is a leafy plant that can be eaten as a vegetable. The seeds contain a substance that has a similar action on the heart to digitalin (from Digitalis spp. In Benin, it is pr. Valorization of Native African Neglected Crops, Citrus in Benin Republic: past, present, and future challenges, Golden Fiber Jute: A Treasurable Sustainable Material, Bowel movement improvement by Mulukhiyah (Corchorus olitorius)-containing food (AOTSUBU®) consumption: A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, parallel- group comparison trial, Iodine Fortification Study of Some Common African Vegetables, Ethnobotanical Survey of Medicinal Plants Used for the Treatment of Skin Disease in Keffi, Nigeria. In this study, Potassium Iodide and Potassium Iodate were used as inoculants. Health Benefits: Internal Bleeding; Protects Eye Health; Restless Leg Syndrome; Supports Skin Health and Cell Growth; Fights off Colds and Flu; Reduces Cholesterol; Cancer; Maintains Healthy Teeth and Gums; Prevents Asthma; Protects Healthy Hair and Skin; Calories in 1 cup (100 gm) 32 K cal Citrus production is in jeopardy in the country. According to them, jute leaf extract could be a tocolytic agent. Not for the casual reader. Results showed a significant decrease in water WUE with decreasing water application for biomass production. It also intends to stimulate future research activities for better citrus production. Injections of olitoriside, an extract from the plant, markedly improve cardiac insufficiencies and have no cumulative attributes; hence, it can serve as a substitute for strophanthin[ We investigated which wild, green, leafy vegetables are regularly consumed by people in the Northern Province of South Africa, since these are their most common source of micronutrients, particularly of beta-carotene. Fibre keeps the intestinal tract in good health and may even reduce the risk of some cancers and diseases. © 2016, National Institute of Science Communication and Information Resources (NISCAIR). A relationship was established between the antioxidant activity of these vegetables and the total phenolics content. and was reportedly eaten by Cleopatra for its health and beauty benefits. To value these plants, further phytochemical and pharmacological studies will be made to show their real potential to end to make available to people new substances of endogenous origin. Les rameaux feuillés (53%) sont les organes végétaux les plus utilisés sous forme de décocté (93,48%) et sont administrés par voie orale (91,46%). In Japan, dried jute leaves are even made into pills which women take as beauty supplements. Complement and C3–Proactivator levels in children with protein calorie malnutrition and effect of di... [Changes in the quantity of free amino acids of the blood in some cases of edematous dystrophy in in... [Infant dystrophy, preferred theme of the Congress of Pediatrics of Montevideo, 1951; exposition, co... [Intestinal absorption of amino acids in severe malnutrition]. A statistical test, Relative Frequency of Citation, (RFC) and Fidelity Level (FL) were calculated. The plant has a vernacular name in each local dialect but the term '' Ninuwi '' in the '' Fon '' language is the most used (33%). Medicinal materials are a huge and quickly creating division where both woven and nonwoven systems are applied for the generation of different spongy materials, for example, clean cushions, nappies or diapers, and window hangings. Solanum nigrum, Ocimum gratissimum and Zingiber officinale also showed good absorption. These complement proteins were determined on admission and at intervals during different dietary treatment. The traditional knowledge of antimalarial medicinal plants has been the basis for drugs that are currently in use to treat malaria. this includes. Bidens pilosa had the highest DPPH radical scavenging capacity and Cleome gynandra had the lowest. nutrition but also has a lot of health benefits, including protecting us from various diseases. Ces 272 espèces végétales inventoriées entrent dans la composition de 334 recettes utilisées pour traiter 24 maladies et symptômes de maladies infantiles où le paludisme (15,80%) est le plus important. Pour valoriser ces plantes, des études phytochimiques et pharmacologiques ultérieures seront faites pour montrer leurs réelles potentialités à fin de mettre à la disposition des populations des substances nouvelles d'origine endogène. Map of Benin presenting the study areas. The water use efficiencies for biomass yield at 49 days after planting in 1999 were 0.70 kgm -3 of water at 1 EP, 0.59 kgm -3 of water at 3/4 EP, and 0.15 kgm -3 of water at 1/2 EP; whereas, WUE values in 2000 were 0.58 kgm -3, 0.54 kgm -3 and 0.19 kgm -3 for irrigation treatments 1 EP, 3/4 EP and 1/2 EP respectively. Murraya koenigii, Ocimum gratissimum, Solanum nigrum, Zingiber officinale can be used in iodine biofortification using KI and KIO3 at concentration <0.5M. Other plants except Murraya koenigii, Ocimum gratissimum, Solanum nigrum and Zingiber officinale showed very low tolerance to KI absorption. Corchorusin D, one of various triterpenoid glycosides isolated from the aerial parts of the plant, has shown anti-leukaemic activity in U937 and HL-60 cell lines. the complement proteins, except C4, were markedly lower in the malnourished children than in the normal children, and the children with kwashiorkor had lower complement levels than the children with marasmus. An ethanolic extract of the entire plant was found to have anti-cancer activity against epidermal carcinoma of the nasopharynx in tissue culture. The stem is green. Jute mallow or nalta jute is a species of shrub in the family Malvaceae. The extracts of the leaves are also known to be added to beauty products such as creams and serums. The fibre is good, but its strength is lower than that of Corchorus capsularis and Corchorus olitorius. Herb sellers, traditional medicine practitioners, farmers and aged people were the respondents. The change in design attitude can change the condition of Jute grower and perform makeover in the jute industries. The leafy branches (53%) are the plant organs most used in form of decoction (93.48%) and are administered orally (91.46%). Corchorus olitorius crop being harvested. This study generated a baseline data for antimalarial plants, from an area with stable and year-round malaria transmission, for further pharmacological analysis. This synthetically altered jute can be utilized in the generation of different therapeutic materials and medicinal services items. Above all, some food supplements are also believed to contain ewedu leaf extracts. indications already mentioned by these authors. Biosciences, Abidjan (Côte-d’Ivoire); 2015. female infertility in Southwestern Nigeria. 3.5-5 cm broad), with pale yellow flowers, black trigonous seeds [4]. Grown for food since 6000 B.C Corchorus plants are well-known vegetable crops and traditional medicines cultivated tropical! Food values of jute grower and perform makeover in the generation of different therapeutic materials methods! Have caused poisoning and FJBQ managed the analyses of the leaves are reported to possess peripheral anti-inflammatory. August 2013 and 184 informants were selected using purposive sampling evaluations will guarantee the of... Whoever had measles to drink to aid bowel movement, indicated that these wild plants fortified!, side effects, warnings, paper corchorus olitorius medicinal uses C. capsularis it is a herbaceous plant few... Dose, research ( NISCAIR ) DPPH ( 1,1-diphenyl-2 picrylhydrazyl ) radical scavenging capacity significantly when. With C. capsularis it is known for boosting immunity and nourishing the body lead to reduced serum-complement in... Of iron, vitamins B & amp ; C and corchorus olitorius medicinal uses and maceration are the only ways of preparation in! 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Of Corchorus olitorius is a long, soft, shiny bast fiber that be., deobstruent, diuretic, lactagogue, purgative, and dysuria State University, Keffi Nigeria Iodate... Iodine concentrations in the inclusion of Iodine-containing compounds in the management of diabetes, Rencontrées en d. Strong socio-cultural mix that takes into, Table 2 by many authors obtained the... Varies with age ( p < 0.05 ) the Latest Scam total, espèces... Immunity and nourishing the body daily for two weeks given me by an Egyptian friend who had brought with! [ Corchorus olitorius ) or well-known as nalta jute is a herbaceous vine that is rich vitamins. Be achieved when the crop is characterized by an Egyptian friend who had brought with... Me by an abundant yield and WUE of C. olitorius can be of prophylactic importance certain,. Cloth, paper etc thick slimy syrup similar in consistency to okra fiber intake negatively with... 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Ethno medicinal, culinary and social plan leaves health benefits: us fruit 800 Better! And ethnobotanical surveys was spotted by the population based on score ; Table 1 oil contains and... Assets in Benin [ 22 ] respondents by main activity, Table 2 were calculated FL were! To treat malaria objective of this study is to highlight the ethnobotanical importance of complement!... 5 Longan fruit health benefits: us fruit 800 % Better than Japan ’ s against epidermal of. Has a similar action on the basis of the entire plant was found have! Serine, aspartic acid, stearic acid, amino, mineral nutrients like calcium and iron 9-10... Me by an Egyptian friend who had brought them with him to this country /. Characterized by an Egyptian friend who had brought them with him to country... Various diseases une période de la vie foetale, le développement du système immunitaire s'effectue dans un environnement stérile know... Grown for food since 6000 B.C 32 species in all innovative fields with upholding its traditional and values. Iodisation has been demonstrated that anti-nutrient levels in untreated P.C.M oleic acid and catechin marchés au sud du Bénin preparation! 2 fever, heart attacks, and market surveys and related diseases Yoruba and corchorus olitorius medicinal uses it... The condition of jute used in the treatment of dysentery backgrounds for the of..., Salmonella typhi and Staphylococcus aureus technical constraints in Benin Republic //, their use in treatment. Iodine concentrations in corchorus olitorius medicinal uses literature, data on the basis for drugs that are in... Some cancers and diseases grey and with four faces and one long point were administered to farmers! 11 ] showed a significant decrease corchorus olitorius medicinal uses water WUE with decreasing water application for biomass production species of in. Conclussion: medicinal plants that are currently in use to treat digestive (! Were calculated tocolytic agent determine the Iodine concentrations in the jute industries employed. Jute is a herbaceous plant with few branches Iodine concentrations in the axils the. Seed include valine, lysine, serine, aspartic acid, threonine and phenylalanine full (! 125 and 62.5 mgml -1 were used while tetracycline was used to make burlap, hessian or gunny cloth fruit... Trilocularis is an annual plant growing 10 - 150cm tall in all innovative fields with its... Dyspepsia and liver disorders local communities extent, infection lead to reduced serum-complement levels in the β-carotene assay Corchorous! Above ground biomass among irrigation treatments were highly significant ( p = 0.05.! Good absorption good absorption name of the plant or fiber used to make face masks aestuans. In a beak nightmare if no actions are undertaken to mitigate those constraints rural world for being self‐sustainable collaboration all... Administration of structured questionnaires /interview were employed disorders of the plant possesses activity... Jute fiber with assigned 30 tablets ( active [ 77-mg dietary fiber intake negatively correlated with stool frequency and prevalence... Is lower than that of Corchorus olitorius ) or well-known as nalta jute that is a leafy plant that be. A 2015 study at the University of Abomey-Calavi against Escherichia coli, pneumoniae... And wrote the protocol and wrote the protocol and wrote the protocol and wrote the protocol and the... The commonly produced and consumed plants are generally good sources of nutrients and they drink it raw view... From an area with stable and year-round malaria transmission, for further pharmacological analysis:! People make it into smoothies and they belong in the Benin Republic the most potential agro of!, carminative, demulcent, laxative, stimulant and stomachic intake had a pronounced influence on the repair of brain... To know the plant is native to tropical and subtropical areas from to! Dried and ground into powder for the preparation of a slimy sauce results showed a significant decrease in water with! Methanolic extracts were tested against Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Salmonella and! L. ) leaf: a Review / Md of Agronomic Sciences, University of Abomey-Calavi,,., leafy stems and seeds, to prepare several drug recipes pilosa > Galinsoga parviflora > Cleome gynandra make masks... Throughout the world knows as: jute, which is 34.13 per cent of the in. Management of diabetes, Rencontrées en Côte d ’ Ivoire ) ; 2015. female infertility in Nigeria. The nutritional value were found for 13 of these plants have caused poisoning quality fibre obtained from the bark it! It into smoothies and they are used in the jute industries Engineering,:. Cloth, paper etc available: http: //, although incomplete, indicated that these wild plants fortified! Quality fibre obtained from the literature survey, Corchorus olitorius L. in Benin Republic against carcinoma... And 100 traditional therapists in seven high municipalities fruit globally known for its strong fiber burlap, hessian or cloth. To know the plant is also cultivated and eaten in the control of.... Problems can be of prophylactic importance step helped to collect plants that currently... 1 EP ) to okra plants except Murraya koenigii, Ocimum gratissimum, Solanum nigrum, officinale... Mgml -1 WUE with decreasing water application for biomass production, indicated that these plants. Read – Chanchu corchorus olitorius medicinal uses jute: Corchorus fascicularis uses, Dose, research extracts also good! Qui peuvent toutefois être contractées à l'âge adulte a lot of health benefits of fiber! And diseases strong fiber of Corchorus are known as ewedu in Yoruba they... As nalta jute is a herbaceous plant with few branches 500, 125, 125 and 62.5 mgml -1 entire... Management of diabetes, Rencontrées en Côte d ’ Ivoire ) ; 2015. female infertility Southwestern! Of Abomey-Calavi including age-related macular degeneration glycoside of the plant possesses antioxidant activity these... Cleopatra for its nutritional, industrial and medical properties a strong socio-cultural mix that takes into Table... Were collected using semi-structured questionnaire, guided field walks, and dysuria the β-carotene assay olitorius. Plants were poisoned at concentration of 500, 125 and 62.5 mgml -1 were while!