Math 320 may be substituted for Math 421. I was originally a physics major so I kind of just picked up a math minor in doing that. Erika: I have three minors. CptS 153, BASIC, may be more useful than either CptS 203 (FORTRAN) or CptS 150 (C), and may be substituted. Learn More About Our Colleges. Contact us. When I switched to sociology, I had one math class left to finish my minor, so I thought, “might as well!” Check out the WSU Catalog for major requirements. Wichita State University 1845 Fairmount St. Wichita, Kansas 67260 (316) 978-3456 WSU policy requires a minor contain at least one course unique to the minor and not used in major or additional requirements. The ancient Greek mathematicians were interested in problems that ranged from properties of numbers to applications of mathematics to … To remain in good standing students must complete CPT S 121, 122, and 223, or CPT S 131, 132, and 233, MATH 171, 172, 216, and PHYSICS 201, each with a grade of C or better, and earn a cumulative WSU GPA of 2.5 or higher upon completion of the above courses. The self-evaluation worksheets (located in the first column) are primarily used for Master in Teaching (MIT) and add-on endorsement applicants. Each requires completion of specific courses which include some common Sociology major Math, German, and At-Risk-Youth minors. C grade or better required in all minor courses. Math Minor Requirements (30-31 credits) Core (24-25 credits): MATH 124, MATH 125, MATH 126, MATH 307, MATH 308, and MATH 309; or MATH 134, MATH 135, and MATH 136 (25 credits, including 10 advanced-placement credits) Electives (6 credits): mathematics courses numbered 301 or … Meet all other WSU … You can request an Emergency Teacher Certificate. Mathematics and Statistics Information: Mathematics and Statistics Wichita State University 1845 Fairmount Street Wichita, KS 67260-0033 Room: 355 JB Phone: 316-978-3160 Fax: 316-978-3748 Email: mathstat@ Group R. 415 Introduction … Math Minor Requirements for All Majors: For a minor in mathematics students must complete the calculus sequence: M242Q - Calculus I 5 hrs M243 - Calculus II 5 hrs M344 - Calculus III 3 hrs Plus at least one additional upper-division course at a level 400 or above approved by both the Department of Mathematics and the student’s major. All Courses used for the minor must have a grade of C or better.Chem 101 and 102 also do not count for 16 credits in the minor. Admission requirements. Please visit the corresponding button below or visit the Certification section of this page. Colleges. WSU offers 200+ fields of study, including majors, minors, certificates, and in-major specializations. Become a Teacher There are several steps to becoming a teacher. Explore Majors and Minors. Alana: Tell me about your minors. All coursework for the minor must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0. Curriculum. Students transferring to degree-completion programs in Bremerton and Everett branches must have 2.6 average GPA in the following or equivalent courses, each completed with grade “C” or better: CE 211, CE 215, CHEM 105, CPT S 121 or 131, E E 221, ENGLISH 101, MATH 171, MATH 172, MATH 220, MATH 273, MATH 315, ME 116, ME 212, PHYSICS 201, PHYSICS 202. Mathematics is among the oldest disciplines. MATH 302 or MATH 307 or higher Course(s) Unique to Minor WSU policy requires a minor contain at least one course unique to the minor and not used in major or additional requirements. See DARS for details. To complete the 16-credit-hour mathematics minor, you'll take Calculus I, II and III—and select at least one additional upper-level course. S, F grading. Interested students should contact the Math/Stats Department for an advisor. This is the list of all endorsements available at WSU. Math 303 (Math 303 may be substituted for Math 420) Math 360 And a teaching minor (supporting endorsement). Math … Students shall not be allowed credit toward a minor for coursework below 2.000. 509-335-1204. Office of Undergraduate Education 316 Education Addition PO Box 642114 Pullman, WA 99164 (509) 335-4855 Research. MATH 202* Calculus for Business and Economics; MATH 216 Discrete Structures; PHIL Elementary Logic *Math 171 and MATH 172 may be substituted for MATH 201 and MATH 202. Nine credits must be taken at the 300 – 400 level and taken in residence at WSU or through WSU-approved education abroad … Complete a minimum of 50% of the credits required for the marketing minor at WSU. A minor in computer science from Wichita State is a valuable addition to virtually any major and can give you an edge with potential employers in a wide range of work settings—as well as an advantage in graduate studies. in Mathematics (MATH) Minor in Mathematics (21 - 22 S.H.) Minor Department Typically offered Fall and Spring. Students who major in biology or zoology cannot be granted a minor in biology. View the curriculum. Academic and research programs at WSU are organized into 11 colleges. This program consists of 23-25 credits in mathematics, including a 12-credit calculus component and electives in a variety of Throughout history, mathematics has spanned the spectrum from pure to applied areas. Upon completion of the degree, the minor will be posted on the student’s permanent record (transcript). MATH 201 will be waived with an ALEKS score of 80% or higher, ... minor, students must meet the following minimum requirements: Complete 27 credits ; WSU cumulative GPA of at least 2.50 and not on academic probation; The minor in hospitality business management requires a minimum of 19 credits of … See the WSU Catalog for more details: B.S. Bachelor of Arts in Math: ... WSU Math Courses for Undergraduate Degrees. From earth science to ecology, from global change to environmental sustainability, School of the Environment (SoE) undergraduate students master both scientific tools and practical skills that kickstart a meaningful career in a rapidly changing world.The SoE experience does not stop at the doorway of the classroom or laboratory. A minor requires a minimum of 16 semester credits, 9 of which must be in upper-division course work and taken in taken in residence at WSU or through WSU-approved education abroad or educational exchange courses. Sisouvanh (Sis) Keopanapay, Room 104A, Wilson-Short. Legend = Oral Intensive = Math/Critical Analysis Intensive = Writing Intensive = Physical Development and Wellness Graduation Requirement Must be accompanied with a Teacher Education Licensure major - admission required. A marketing course taken with a grade of D, F, or W can be repeated once. Erika Dvorak. ... MKTG, and MIS majors require MATH 140 or MATH 212; ACCT and FIN majors require ECON 222 or STAT 210; COB minors with non-COB majors (except BA, ... WSU policy requires a minor contain at least one course unique to the minor and not used in major or additional requirements. The minor prepares students to teach middle school mathematics. Careers. We make it easier for you by breaking it down, step by step View The Plan Request Emergency Teacher Certificate Advising Resources We Whether you want to … Math Minor: The calculus sequence; at least one additional upper-division course approved by both the math department and the student's major department. Wichita State University undergraduate majors and minors listed alphabetically The Minor in Mathematics is highly attractive to potential employers or graduate schools in other disciplines, and recognizes students majoring in other fields who have demonstrated significant mathematical skills and knowledge. * These minors are only available to students whose major is outside the Carson College and students majoring in HBM or WBBM ** These minors are only available to students whose major is outside the Carson College and students majoring in Accounting, BA, Entrepreneurship, Finance, IBUS, Management, Marketing, and MIS *** This minor is not available to WBBM majors Legend Credit hours for the minor must include nine hours taken in residence at WSU or through WSU-approved education abroad or educational exchange courses. (Students whose last name begins with letters: A — P). MATH 106 will be accepted as an alternative to MATH 201 for transfer students.) See DARS for details. (Students whose last name begins with letters: Q — Z; Students who have questions about internship credits). View the instructions for completing the self-evaluations » The checksheets (located in the second column) are used by all students to monitor their progress through The minor in chemistry requires at least 16 hours of chemistry courses beyond Chem 105 and 106/116. For WSU's admission requirements, and to apply, click the link below. 509-335-5467. 2.75 GPA required. All listed CPT S courses, required electives, and prerequisites to these courses must be completed with a grade of C or better. ECONS 101 Microeconomics, OR ECONS 102 Macroeconomics; Complete the Carson Career Amplifier Program Year 1; Have a WSU cumulative GPA of at least 2.50 and not … Effective Fall 2019, the minor in Criminal Justice and Criminology requires 18 credits of coursework in criminal justice (CRM J), including CRM J 101. 138 Introduction to Kinesiology 1 Overview of various disciplines of kinesiology, associated degrees, and careers; provides strategies for academic and professional development, including advising procedures. Undergraduate Academic Advisors: Tina Krauss, Room 104B, Wilson-Short. Winona State University WSU. 34 S.H.