I found this forum, thought it rocked and signed up. It's basically states that Queen Ayrenn from ESO is in fact KINMUNE. Michael continues to write additions to The Imperial Library and the Lore section on the Official Forums, and he also did some contract work for the Knights of the Nine download. KINMUNE is kinda like the Symbiote that makes up the Marvel Comic book villian Venom....Venom knows everything about Peter Parker because he absorbed part of Parkers consciousness to a degree, KINMUNE is the same....KINMUNE attached to Ayrenn while she was out exploring Tamriel and spent a lot of time in Skyrim by her own confession. I seguenti testi, senza licenza ma entrati a far parte del canone della serie The Elder Scrolls, sono stati tratti dal sito The Imperial Library. Michael Kirkbride is a former writer and designer for Bethesda Softworks. That was borrowed from "The Imperial-Library.info" Probably one of the oldest TES lore site out there. Lady N, from the Imperial Library, posted an obscure document on Tumblr recently on behalf of Michael Kirkbride. He spent several years preparing for the release of an open-source graphic novel, C0DA, which is set in the Elder Scrolls universe. ... Kinmune is pure fan fiction and to insist that Ayrenn (the purest being on Tamriel right now) is something evil or twisted, brings tears to my eyes. He is known for his works on the lore that exists in The Elder Scrolls universe. Rules: Title Rule; 1. He usually uses Morrowind character Vehk, the living god of Dunmer, when posting in the forum as well as his own initial MK. ... KINMUNE began her existence in the 9th Era as an Ayleidoon space mining craft of limited sentience. I wondered what the Eye really was, since I knew in the quests it wasn't defined, at all. I'm an avid TES fan, and happened upon my fifth or so play through of the College quest line. Nothing more, nothing less. Pagine in tendenza Foul Murder (no offense uesp). KINMUNE | The Imperial Library But then the Hist-Jilian wars spilled out of a Wheelian rip into the SubSys slice of 'brane-space, and things changed for Kinmune. Be civil and respectful. I think things like C0DA and his many writings in the Imperial Library are simply his own headcanon. Full Resources List . *Disclosure: Some of the links above are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, Fandom will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase. They are also listed below. Of course, the pre-beta stuff they were initially touting turned out to be different from the finished product. With the outer colonies separated from Nu-Mundelbright chronoculic sync-net anchors, maintenance of … Michael Kirkbride, a former Bethesda Designer, occasionally posts something obscure but interesting text. Hello Imperial Library! KINMUNE (Kinetically-Interlinked Nirnian Multi-User Exoform) started her existence as any other proxy-synthetic of the 9th Era aurbical mining guilds: a limited sentience deep-pressure capable "thot-box"—a dreamsleevishell used by remote mortal operators to run the rigs of Kynareth's illicit breath trade. He has encouraged his readers to expand on and develop their own headcanon in the past. Despite no longer working for Bethesda, he still writes various unlicensed texts that can be found on The Imperial Library. Im new to this site, first post actually. Elder Scroll Game Credits Text Archive. His sentiment was "This Dominion sucks" and he wanted to make it better. The Imperial Library. ... That said, I'm totally running with KINMUNE as the Eye of Magnus in my headcanon. (edited by A Fandom user) 0. ... KINMUNE is a remotely operated mining 'droid' that was thrust back in time by a freak occurance caused by some sort of Hist-engineered weapon. 2. KINMUNE/Areynn was an idea MK had when he first saw the early draft for the ESO Dominion. Read the FAQ before posting. Ayrenn is Ayrenn, a …